
A generous donor has offered to sponsor a Free Mezuzah for every Jewish Family in New Canaan and Darien. 

Bring the blessing and security of Mezuzah to your home, workplace and community.

If you already have a Mezuzah on your front door, consider adding a Mezuzah to a bedroom, kitchen or backdoor.  

Its a simple formula: More Mezuzahs = More Blessings!


We are offering any Jewish resident or Business Owner in New Canaan and Darien: 

- One Free Mezuzah  ($85 value). We can provide the scroll inside a simple clear plastic case for free, or you could choose your own Mezuzah case and we will provide the scroll (worth $85) for free. 

- Free Mezuzah Checking Services (Value: $10 per Mezuzah). 

(We will pick up your mezuzahs, have them checked by a competent SCRIBE, and bring them back and reaffix them on your doors. Whether you have 1 Mezuzah or 30 Mezuzahs, we are happy to offer this service, absolutely free.)

 Click here to order your free Mezuzah today!



Why add a Mezuzah to your home?

1. Its a Mitzvah

Each mezuzah scroll contains the first two portions of the Shema, beginning with the verse, “Hear o Israel, the L‑rd is our G‑d, the L‑rd is One.” Both of these selections contain G‑d’s instruction to affix the mezuzah: “You shall write [these words] upon the doorposts of your house and upon your gates.” 

The Mitzvah is to have a Kosher Mezuzah on every doorway of the home (with the exception of bathrooms and small closets).  

2. Blessings and Protection

Our sages teach that a mezuzah has the unique property of protecting the inhabitants of the home where it is hung—whether the inhabitants are inside or outside that home. The mezuzah can be compared to a “helmet,” a veneer that protects us against the dangers that surround us in our lives.

With anti-Semitism on the rise, and Israel under attack, we could all use this extra blessing for protection.  

We are taught that the Mezuzah brings blessings for all areas of life including health, children or financial concerns.

3. Display Jewish Pride

With everything going on in the world today, it is more important than ever to show our confidence as Jewish people. Children who grow up surrounded by Jewish symbols understand that Judaism is a part of their lives. Seeing a Mezuzah on the door will have a positive impact on non-Jewish visitors too. To quote the late Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks of the UK - "Non-Jews respect Jews who respect Judaism." 

4. Create a Spiritual Environment

The mezuzah demonstrates that Judaism is not confined to synagogues. We strive for spirituality even within the comfort and familiarity of our own homes. The mezuzah on the doorpost reminds those who walk through that G‑dly life and Torah accompany them wherever they go. 

Why check an old Mezuzah? 

The Mezuzah is handwritten with ink on parchment and letters often crack or fade with time. This is especially true with Mezuzahs on the exterior of a home, since they are constantly exposed to the weather.

Mezuzahs should be checked by a certified scribe twice every seven years to see if they have been affected. Some check their mezuzot every year, during the Hebrew month of Elul.

In addition, experience has shown that unfortunately many Mezuzah cases come with scrolls that were never properly written in the first place. 


Fill out the form below to sign up for this exciting campaign. 

For more information on the meaning of Mezuzah click here 

Join millions of Jews and over three thousand years of tradition - get your free Mezuzah today!


Contact Information

Yes! I would like a FREE Mezuzah!

Yes! I would like my Mezuzahs Checked!

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Last Name  